Garry The Home Builder 


Hello and welcome back to my blog. In this post I'm going to be talking to you about many different things. The main thing that will be talking to you about today is home design and how to find the perfect home designer for your house. I know a lot of people out there who want a home designer but have struggled to find the perfect guy to help them build their dream home. I've been working in this industry for over 20 years now and I know that finding a perfect home designer isn't the easiest task. So if you follow my step-by-step process that I'm going to be laying out in this blog post today you're gonna be able to find the perfect home designer for you. So once again I hope you enjoy this post... keep reading and please let me know what you think at the end.

The first steps into finding the perfect home designer for you is making sure that they are legit. You want to go online and search for their company on Google and Bing and see if they have any negative or positive reviews online. If they have anything negative on the company you want to make sure that you avoid this home designer as much as possible. If there is positive stuff then this is going to be a company that you gonna want to do further research on. Now if they have negative stuff you don't always want to avoid them completely because sometimes they just might get a bad customer. But if they have tons of negative stuff then it's probably because they're bad company.

So once you find the companies that have positive reviews what you want to do is actually call all the positive reviews and see if they're legit. There's a lot of companies out there who will make fake reviews and they will do this to make the company look more legit. I've worked with a lot of home designers and this is a common practice that they keep doing over and over again. So take the time, contact the positive reviews and find out if they're legit. If they do end up being legit then this is going to be the home designer that you want to use for your home project. These guys are normally going to be your best home designers.

Now you see that finding the best home designer for your needs isn't that hard. Now take my step-by-step process and find the perfect home designer for you... now all you have to do is go out and take action. So I hope you enjoyed this post, please leave your comments below and I will enjoy hearing from you


Why I made this website?

If you dont know me that ok... this post here is to explain to you who I am and why I started this blog for you guys.
My name is Garry... I am a home builder/ home improvement designer. I have been in this industry for over 22 years and I have to say I love it like no other industry. It is fun and has always been a passion of mine. 

I made this blog because I wanted to give back. I want to share my knowledge of being in the home improvement industry for over 22 years.  So without saying to much more I hope you enjoy this blog were I will be talking and teaching you guys how to improve your home and have fun doing it.

So before I end this post I want you to reach out to me and let me know what you want me to teach on this blog? 

Here is my email: 

send me an email and let me know what you would like me to talk about and I will do my best to add it to my next blog post!

Thanks and enjoy your day!